Alfalfa Seed Varieties
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54Q14This high-quality conventional alfalfa variety is combined with agronomic lodging resistance and has a history of very good persistence and yield. Increased standability means a cleaner cut and more harvested forage where alfalfa is prone to lodging. 54Q14 is recognized as a high forage quality leader for use in dairy regions.
55V5055V50 has a history of high yields with excellent pest resistance for growing environments east of the Rocky Mountains. Multi-race Aphanomyces root rot resistance helps this variety establish well. 55V50 has excellent winterhardiness and quick recovery, to produce high yields, while persisting for long-term productivity.
54hvx42HarvXtra® alfalfa brings a new level of forage quality for hay growers and livestock producers. With reduced lignin and Roundup Ready® alfalfa traits, 54HVX42 provides harvest flexibility, risk management, and higher forage quality every cut. 54HVX42 is broadly adapted with a solid disease resistance package including moderate resistance to stem nematode.
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54B66A winterhardy, premium blended product with multiple pest resistance suitable for most North American growing environments. This premium blend is formulated with good overall disease resistance and winterhardiness. 54B66 has high germination and comes with fungicide and inoculant seed treatment for stand establishment.
54Q29This widely-adapted, high yield alfalfa variety is the next product in the 55Q27 and 55Q28 series. Very high winterhardiness and stand persistence combined with high root rot resistance help this high forage quality variety adapt to challenging growing environments, including Western U.S. regions where stem nematodes are a concern.
54vq5254VQ52 is the newest product in the 55V50 series and brings very high levels of Aphanomyces root rot multi-race resistance for greater establishment success. 54VQ52 has excellent stand persistence and will handle frequent cutting schedules and produce high quality hay or haylage for dairy use.